Piano Guidance
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Can ADHD kids piano?

Individuals with ADHD are hyperactive, so playing the piano or making music together in either an unstructured or a structured manner with a trained music therapist can provide these individuals with obligatory time to release their creative energy in a very positive way.

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A few years ago, a customer walked in to purchase a piano at my store. We talked and he told me that the piano was for his son who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) . According to my customer, ADHD support services said that taking piano lessons could help people with ADHD. Before I share how piano training can help individuals with ADHD, let me tell you a bit about this disorder.

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

ADHD is a disorder that is commonly found with numerous children and adolescents, and sometimes even with adults and it affects them in various ways. A professional medical body estimates that between 3% and 5% of children have this disorder. A few experts claim that ADHD can occur in 10% of children that go to school as well. Some professionals question if children can outgrow Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This means that ADHD may be more common in adults than formerly thought. From what I know, children with this disorder usually have difficulty to concentrate or pay attention. They are frequently frustrated with tasks, unable to follow directions, and they tend to get bored easily. Additionally, children with ADHD are impulsive and have the tendency to move repeatedly, not stopping to think before they take action. While these manners are typically common in children, they happen more habitually and are more serious in children with ADHD. As for adults with ADHD, they tend to have difficulty with organizational skills, employment, management, and general goal setting. Normally, they might also have issues with self-esteem, addictions, and relationships. There is no known cause or cure for ADHD, but there are ranges of support services that can assist people with ADHD to help them focus and channel their hyperactivity inclinations. There is, however, a relatively new and impending field of therapy for people with ADHD that is aptly called, music therapy. Trained music therapists conduct music therapy with different types of sessions, which includes piano lessons. A common therapy session may comprise of songwriting between the individual with ADHD and the therapist or consist of the ADHD patient and therapist making music using different musical instruments.

How can Piano Lessons Help?

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Individuals with ADHD are hyperactive, so playing the piano or making music together in either an unstructured or a structured manner with a trained music therapist can provide these individuals with obligatory time to release their creative energy in a very positive way. Many parents and custodians of people with ADHD have claimed that music therapy has helped their children to focus a great deal better.

Where is the Best Place to Obtain Lessons

I do not have many customers who have children with ADHD, but since the day that I met one that has a son with this disorder, I have been promoting piano lessons to most of my customers and people I meet through social gatherings and conferences. It is important to get your child started playing piano, particularly if you want him to start developing his mind from a very young age. If you are looking at hiring a piano teacher to teach piano lessons, I highly suggest that you look for one who has many years of experience in especially piano tutoring. Generally, I recommend my customers to ask various music schools if they have any part time teachers who can teach from home or who will travel from one home to the other to teach children. Of course, this is feasible for those who prefer their children to learn from home, but for parents who want their children to socialize with other students at the same time, then the private or public music school will be ideal.

Would you recommend piano lessons to individuals with ADHD?

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