Piano Guidance
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Can a woman do Hajj alone?

It is a greatly encouraged act of Ibadah (worship) but not obligatory for any Muslim. If a woman wishes to perform Hajj or Umrah, according to the majority of scholars she must travel with her Mahram.

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Why am I not remembering what I study?

Don't skip over it because it's too boring or too hard. Learn it now and it will save you frustration and time later. If you wait too long to...

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How many years does it take to become a professional pianist?
How many years does it take to become a professional pianist?

Becoming a concert pianist requires true dedication, talent, and hard work. On average, it will require 15+ years, 3-5 hours a day of deliberate...

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For Muslims around the world, performing Umrah or Hajj for the sake of Allah (SWT) is both a sacred duty and the opportunity of a lifetime. Although Umrah and Hajj are different pilgrimages, they share some sacred rites and requirements, including who is eligible to perform them.

What is the difference between Umrah and Hajj?

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obliged of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime so long as they have the capacity. Learn more about Hajj and its rulings here. Umrah is a voluntary pilgrimage to Mecca, which has its own unique set of rites. It is a greatly encouraged act of Ibadah (worship) but not obligatory for any Muslim. If a woman wishes to perform Hajj or Umrah, according to the majority of scholars she must travel with her Mahram. Naturally, many will wonder whether a woman who has no Mahram will be allowed to perform Hajj or Umrah if she wishes – you can find out here.

What Is a Mahram?

Mahram is the Arabic word used to describe the male relative of a woman for whom it is Haram (prohibited) for her to marry. When a woman gets married, her husband also becomes her Mahram.

A Mahram is any male relative that falls into the following categories:

All direct ancestors

All direct descendants


Siblings of parents, grandparents, and further antecedents

Children and further descendants of siblings

All the ancestors of one’s spouse

All the descendants of one’s spouse

All who marry a direct ancestor

All who marry a direct descendant

A Rada (one who became a Mahram because of being nursed by their foster mother as an infant): foster mother, foster sibling

Rulings On Performing Umrah or Hajj Without A Mahram

Some scholars believe that women who wish to perform Umrah or Hajj without a Mahram may do so if she is in the trusted company of a group or if the travelling routes are safe. However, the ruling on the requirement of a mahram is one in which scholars have differed over. You are encouraged to consult your Madhaab (school of thought), teacher, and/or conduct independent research to help inform you of your decision.

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The answer to the “what flies without wings” riddle is “time”. Apr 23, 2020

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What would be a sixth sense?

You've probably been taught that humans have five senses: taste, smell, vision, hearing, and touch. However, an under-appreciated "sixth sense," called proprioception, allows us to keep track of where our body parts are in space.

The Body's "Sixth Sense"

You've probably been taught that humans have five senses: taste, smell, vision, hearing, and touch. However, an under-appreciated "sixth sense," called proprioception, allows us to keep track of where our body parts are in space. Alec Nickolls, a postdoctoral researcher in the Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health, studies an extremely rare condition that causes the loss of this sense. His research could not only provide insights into how proprioception works, but could also potentially lead to new treatments for individuals with chronic pain. Interested in finding out for yourself what it’s like to do research at NIH? Check out our training opportunities to learn about the IRP’s programs for students, recent graduates, and postdoctoral fellows.

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