Piano Guidance
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Can a 66 year old learn piano?

It's a proven fact that adults have successfully learned to play the piano to a very proficient standard even when starting at an older age! In fact, playing an instrument has plenty of benefits for adults, whether they're in their 20s or are enjoying their retirement.

Did Eddie Van Halen use power chords?
Did Eddie Van Halen use power chords?

One of Eddie's rhythmic hallmarks is that he has rarely made power chords the focal point of his riffs. Instead, he opts for triads and suspended...

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What can I use instead of basswood?
What can I use instead of basswood?

Aspen is another white wood that is quite popular among woodworkers. It's stronger than basswood but is still quite soft, so it is fairly easy to...

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Top 5 reasons why it’s never too late to learn the piano

Never think that you are too old to learn the piano!

It’s a proven fact that adults have successfully learned to play the piano to a very proficient standard even when starting at an older age! In fact, playing an instrument has plenty of benefits for adults, whether they’re in their 20s or are enjoying their retirement. If you love music and dream of sitting at a piano playing your favourite classical tune or jazz song, it’s time to stop making excuses and book your first piano lesson. There are so many reasons to take up the piano but here are our top 5: You will reduce stress – As we become adults our day to day lives can be filled with pressure, whether it’s from a stressful job or a busy family life. Listening to and playing music has been proven to help reduce stress levels. Taking up piano lessons can give you some much needed time to switch off and relax for a while, letting you recharge so you’re ready to tackle another day. You will increase your cognitive abilities – Studies have shown that playing the piano can help boost memory and build patterns that are important to learning. Keeping your memory and cognitive abilities tip-top is essential and learning the piano will do just that! If you’re starting to learn the piano later in life it can help to build your memory while doing something that you love. You will enjoy a much richer (musical) life! – Gaining a new skill is fulfilling and mastering a beautiful piece of music is no different. While it can be a challenge to learn to play the piano later in life the feeling of pride when you accomplish a new melody or tune means that it’s well worth it. You’ll certainly appreciate all of the hard work you’ve put in. You will meet new people – If you’ve found your social circle has dwindled or simply want to meet new people, taking up group piano lessons is a great way to meet some like-minded people. You’ll have lots of opportunities to forge friendships with people who you already have something in common with. The joy of playing – Simply playing the piano is a joy and one that can be appreciated at any age. You’re never too old to take up the piano and spend some ‘me’ time doing something that you love. The biggest secret to becoming a successful pianist at an older age is to just get started! The second secret is to select the right place to learn the piano. Without excellent education, it will be very difficult to reach your goals! At the London Piano Institute, we genuinely believe that you are a talented individual and that you CAN LEARN how to play the piano. Regardless of whether you’ve had any prior experience, take a leap of faith and get started today to make your piano dreams a reality!

Is 75 too old to learn piano?
Is 75 too old to learn piano?

It's a proven fact that adults have successfully learned to play the piano to a very proficient standard even when starting at an older age! In...

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Which is better Korg or Yamaha?
Which is better Korg or Yamaha?

We believe Yamaha and Kawai produce the best sound in high-end digital pianos while Nord/Korg/Roland are very close in the high-end stage piano...

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Are you supposed to tip a piano tuner?

Here are Smith's guidelines: Don't tip skilled craftsmen or technical specialists, such as plumbers, electricians, painters, alarm service technicians, handymen, piano tuners, or appliance repair people. “That's like trying to tip a doctor or a teacher,” Smith says.

Q: I never know if I’m supposed to tip the various people who come to work at my house. Are there any basic rules of thumb I can follow?

A: We turned to Boston, Mass., etiquette consultant Jodi R.R. Smith to help with your question. She gave us a quick history lesson. Or perhaps it's mythology. The story goes that "tips" is an acronym for "to insure prompt service." That’s prompt service next time, since you tip after the fact, so it’s especially important to tip people who will be coming back again. Tipping is never required, Smith says, but when it comes to people who are caring for your house and belongings, there are times when it’s highly advisable—and other times when workers could take offense at the offer. Here are Smith’s guidelines:

Can you learn piano just by playing songs?
Can you learn piano just by playing songs?

Yes, you can learn the piano by playing songs, although this approach won't equip you to play scales, arpeggios, or advanced classical repertoire...

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Can you learn piano later in life?
Can you learn piano later in life?

Beginning Piano Lessons for Teens and Adults People can start piano at 60, at 70, at 80, even later. Your brain can still form new connections at...

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What is the hardest piano piece?
What is the hardest piano piece?

'La Campanella', which translates as 'little bell', comes from a larger work – the Grandes études de Paganini – and is famous for being one of the...

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Do guitars last a lifetime?
Do guitars last a lifetime?

The roughest estimation would be around 10 years for a cheap acousticclassical guitar. On the other hand, even cheap electric guitars will be able...

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