Piano Guidance
Photo by Charles Parker Pexels Logo Photo: Charles Parker

Are piano players good in bed?

In short, the answer is "not really". There just isn't a real correlation between the level of pleasure in mating and a pianist's skill.

What are the top 5 songs in the world?
What are the top 5 songs in the world?

Probably, but for the sake of it, here are the 12 most popular songs in the world according to YouTube. Luis Fonsi – Despacito ft. ... Ed Sheeran –...

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Can a keyboard sound just like a piano?
Can a keyboard sound just like a piano?

Many keyboards are designed to make sounds that replicate a piano, but most can also produce a variety of other sounds. These could be sounds like...

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No, I pointed out that the film REFLECTS something seen over and over in reality. People would be shocked if they realised how common infidelity is- especially after someone makes a decision based on the logic of what material gains they get through a wealthy partner, rather than marry out of love for the person themself. In citing Occams razor, you casually ignore that a loveless relationship can stay together for many reasons with no real attraction. It's not about leaping to unfounded and irrational conclusions. As soon as two people are together there are issues of convenience, dependence, obligation etc. Not to mention the fear of not finding anyone else. You won't disprove the reality of human nature via superficial logic that ignores inconvenient factors. Anyway, I won't pry, but do you realise that having no interest in sex actually excludes your situation from the topic under discussion? You're speaking of companionship and not a sexual relationship. Thus attraction is not the issue behind what you seek. No regular sexual relationship, however, will function without a starting point of attraction. I'm stunned that anyone would seriously feel this would be normal, when the world as a whole clearly doesn't work like that. I won't ask about why you're being castrated, but you do appreciate that this makes your case just a little unusual surely? We can hardly apply such out of the ordinary circumstances and make a construct that the whole of world works this as, or that your attitudes have any relevance to how to build a regular sexual relationship. A man can't just decide to to get a hard on for someone he finds physically repulsive because logic told him to be attracted. Considering what I know of humanity, I'm surprised it isn't far, far more common. It is often said that people think with ten percent of their brains, and I'm quite convicted at least nine of that is with the hypothalamus. People seek what they seek when they seek it, and "attraction" is often just a mask for more taboo incentive.Occam's Razor is meant to elucidate the matter that your statement that my simple ability to control my attraction would necessitate me being extraordinary is logically improbable, not that I intended it to use the philosophy to circumvent a point. To address that point, I would state that, whilst human nature causes gravitation, it does not enforce coercion: you can lead a horse to water, you cannot make it drink.As for the point of sex, I will state that my reasons for disinterest are logic based (sanitation, bad genes, impotency, et cetera). Your statement on sexual relationships requiring attraction is also incorrect (unless ED medication suddenly doesn't work anymore).Normal is also terribly subjective, as (for example), an atheist would see atheism as normal, and 95% of the world would disagree. People convince themselves that THEIR normal is THE normal, as you can observe from the mentally ill who see no wrong in worlds of vast inconsistency and delusion.If you must pry into my castration, it's being done to cure a disease I have. So, sorry for having a disease that I didn't ask for. It's not my fault, and I want a decent quality of life, so I need to sever these fairly useless balls of fluid from my body.As for your last point, you can't really use erection as a good point for attraction. All an erection happens to be is hypervasodilation of the capillaries within the penis. And, I cannot stress this point enough, penises are extremely stupid. They aren't sentient, and don't know what they are in, what gender of person they are interacting with, and they don't even know the gender of the person they are stuck to. They are fed hormones and blindly do remedial tasks associated with those hormones. As well, I can personally attest to it being an inaccurate indicator, as I can have an erection when I'm VERY turned off, and not have one when I'm VERY turned on (though it has been a while, I haven't really felt like being turned on for a while).And for your argument that the way it is for most is the correct way? That's argumentum ad populum. Truth isn't so because any given person believes it. Truth is whatever it happens to be based on the fact that it simply is true. Now, all I've been handed by you is emotionally charged subjectivity and not an ounce of science backing it up. All I've been talking about is logic and science. Either present proof or lose by the matter that you're relying heavily on opus probandii.

Do 256th notes exist?
Do 256th notes exist?

In music, a two hundred fifty-sixth note (or occasionally demisemihemidemisemiquaver) is a note played for 1⁄256 of the duration of a whole note....

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Is it worth buying a piano?
Is it worth buying a piano?

So, is a grand piano worth it? The short answer is yes, a grand piano is worth it. Grand pianos offer a much more refined playing experience than...

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Should I turn off my digital piano?
Should I turn off my digital piano?

Think of it as a computer; you'll want to protect it against power surges. Unplugging your piano from power when you will be away from it for a...

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Is music a drug?
Is music a drug?

Now neurologists report that this human response to music -- which has existed for thousands of years, across cultures around the world -- involves...

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